Monday, April 26, 2010

Our Big Announcement (for real)

Little Heidi is finally here!!!
Arriving on April 9th she weighed 7 pounds 5.5 ounces and was 21 1/2 inches long.
She has dark brown peach fuzz,
long blond eyelashes,
gorgeous pink lips,
and two adorable dimples.
She smells like the best thing on earth,
looks peaceful as and angel,
and smiles when she hears her Papa's voice!!!
Welcome home Heidi!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010


Why do mothers tell their children not to climb up the slide???
Isn't that the point of the playground: physical and social development? Believe me, they'll figure it out!

Why do salesmen not understand the word 'no'?
Isn't that the very first word a person really learns (after mama and papa)?

Why doesn't anybody trust my checks, just because they are out of state?
Are there not enough honest people out there?

Why am I most thirsty at night? right before bed?
Its not like I don't have to wake up to pee every two hours already anyway!!

Why do my children not hear me??
If at first you don't it like your mother told you!

Why do I not have it all together? Like everyone else around me?

Why am I up at 11:20 writing a grumpy post on my blog?

Monday, March 1, 2010

...turns out, leprechauns are real after all...

We decided to make playdough today. I had fun mixing the colors in while Keagan couldn't get over the fact that he didn't know that we could make our own playdough. It was fabulous. We played for about an hour and a half. I made a rainbow and after making several striped caterpillars and a fish Keagan decided that he wanted to make a rainbow too. He spent most of the time shaving the top off of his rainbow because "all the rainbows he'd ever seen were not round like mine but actually quite flat." So I finish my rainbow, complete with a pot of gold at the end, take a picture for the fun of it and then the phone rang so of course I waddle over and answer the phone. Seriously when I got back the pot of gold had disappeared and Keagan and Kaleb were still seriously intent on what they were doing. I looked around everywhere before I finally asked one of them if they had taken it. I casually said "Well humm...I guess leprechauns are real after all." (WRONG thing to say.) A series of what's and why's pursued for about 20 minutes along with intense measures to guard his own treasure chest of gold. Keagan even took it with him to the bathroom just to make sure that it would not get stolen. When all was said and done and the playdough was safe in the refrigerator, Keagan had convinced himself that leprechauns live in our carpet and are trying to decide what to buy with the gold... Oh how I love this 4 year old mind!!! Kaleb was, well, oblivious to the whole stolen gold scandal. He was too involved with his own projects...


In a large saucepan, mix together

3 cups Flour

1 1/2 cups Salt

3 cups Water

2 TB vegetable oil

1 TB Cream of Tartar

Food coloring or unsweetened Kool-Aid pkg for color.

Cook over medium-low heat, stirring frequently, until the dough pulls away from the sides of the pan and gets too thick to stir (about 10-15 minutes). Remove from heat and let cool until it can be handled. Place on counter or wax paper and knead several times until smooth. Store in an air-tight container.

Thursday, February 18, 2010


I hope that you all had a happy, happy Valentines Day!! I've heard a few people now comment on how much they think it's a silly holiday. The only thing silly about it is all the ridiculous and unnecessary commercialism. Me? I love any day specifically set aside to dote on the people I love...
His Handsomeness: My Valentine and his two special sidekicks...

Here are the valentines we made for the boys' primary classes...(note to the wise: 'assume nothing!' I thought making 14 kangaroos would leave me with several left overs...of course there were 15 kids in the nursery on Sunday!) And here's a big shout to Aunt Kalli! Thanks for bringing this decadent goodness over to us on our first Valentines Day together. Its our Valentines tradition! Thanks! We love you!!!